Day 13 at Kogakuin
Updated: May 30, 2023
Today, I had another normal day at school. I went to class and sat with my friends. Something unusual did happen though; during long home room we had a Zoom meeting with a teacher from a school in Bangladesh because the whole class was going to have a trip to Bangladesh. My friend and I were talking about how similar the Japanese flag and the Bengali flag looks, and when we looked up the origin behind the Bengali flag, we were surprised to find out that the president of Bangladesh at the time was impressed by the development of Japan and wanted Bangladesh to be like it, which is why he designed the flag as such. After school, my friend came over to my host sister's house. We bought donuts and ate them at home while we played with my host sister's dog. We mostly just talked, and we also had dinner together. My friend had been wanting to meet my host sister's dog for a while, so she was so incredibly happy. After I walked her to the station on her way home, I ran into my host sister and her friends from her after school extracurricular. I met them for the first time, but they were easy to talk to and seemed like genuinely nice people.
Fascinating to know the history behind the Bangladesh flag.