Day 2 at School
Updated: May 30, 2023
Today was my first day of classes at Kogakuin. My host sister always arrives at school an hour before class starts, so I had a very early morning, waking up at 4:50 am. For our first period, we had long homeroom, and everyone was working on some kind of project, so Jake and I were given a tour of the school in the meantime. The school was very pretty and there was a lot of plants and nice sceneries. Next, I had Japanese class, where first we took a kanji test then read and discussed a passage. I was able to answer some questions on the kanji test despite not studying, and I was also able to read the passage pretty smoothly, so I thought the class went well. At first I thought that the classes that were completely in Japanese were going to be too difficult for me, but that wasn't the case. I also had health class and philosophy class afterwards. I thought both classes were really interesting and fun, especially the philosophy class which was two periods long and completely in English. I took philosophy at Trevor, so I was able to talk about past readings and ideas that I knew about, and we had some really great discussions. A lot of my classmates are shy and quiet, so I was only able to talk to a few people, but the people I did talk to were really kind and cool. After school, my friends (the ones I met yesterday at the hiking trip) and I went to a donut shop called Mr. Donuts and we tried their new matcha donut flavors. Today was a very fun and eventful day.
philosophy!!! woooo
Cute school uniform !
Wow !!!
Yay! Mr. Donuts! What a day you're having.